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Documentaries in Peru.

Save the Children Peru

In 2012 I made this documentary video about the work carried out by Save the Children in the Sierra de Ferreñafe (Lambayeque) in the field of education and health promotion.

We traveled to the Quechua-speaking communities of Kañaris, at 3,600 meters above sea level, so that the NGO can deliver school supplies to the PRONOEIS or early childhood education schools.

Videos in Scotland

A walk through Pitlochry

I invite you to enjoy a walk through Pitlochry, a small Scottish community located in the heart of the country and surrounded by incredible forests such as Faskally Forest and Tay Forest Park. We walk following the river Tummel to give us an authentic bath in nature, very necessary for the soul and to clear ourselves of the life of the city.

I hope you like it! 

COP26 March against climate inaction

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP26 was held from October 31 to November 12, 2021 in the city of Glasgow. Until then, political representatives from different countries, NGOs and different social movements that want and demand real and active policies for the protection of our environment attended. 

I had the opportunity to join one of the marches, to listen and hear the claims of all these people and it was great to see entire families and groups of friends marching together in the rain and cold for what really matters to us: our planet.

Dundee Dance Event (DDE) 2021

DDE is one of the most fun events you can enjoy in Dundee. Many bars and pubs in the city come together to host the best DJ sessions throughout the day and it's great to be able to go from bar to bar enjoying the different parties. They usually celebrate it in the month of May, taking advantage of the beginning of spring. I hope you like it :)



Documentaries in Spain

"Pride. The Road to Equality". 2007

I co-directed this documentary in Madrid, in 2007, to celebrate the approval of the Same-sex Marriage Law in Spain. A law that recognized the right to start a family for LGTBI people and that was a very important step on the road to equality.

Through this 50-minute documentary, we can learn a little more about the struggles that anonymous people, social groups and institutions have carried out for years so that all citizens have the same rights.



Contact me

Gisella Burga Polo

28032 Madrid, Spain.  |  Tel: 611543831

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